LDAP-based Services
The Device supports the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) application protocol and can operate with third-party, LDAP-compliant servers such as Microsoft Active Directory (AD).
You can use LDAP for the following LDAP services:
■ | SIP-related (Control) LDAP Queries: LDAP can be used for routing and manipulation (e.g., calling name and destination address). |
The Device connects and binds to the remote LDAP server (IP address or DNS/FQDN) during the service’s initialization (at Device start-up) or whenever you change the LDAP server's IP address and port. Binding to the LDAP server is based on username and password (Bind DN and Password). Service makes 10 attempts to connect and bind to the remote LDAP server, with a timeout of 20 seconds between attempts. If connection fails, the service remains in disconnected state until the LDAP server's IP address or port is changed. If connection to the LDAP server later fails, the service attempts to reconnect.
For the Device to run a search, the path to the directory’s subtree, known as the distinguished name (DN), where the search is to be done must be configured (see Configuring LDAP DNs (Base Paths) per LDAP Server). The search key (filter), which defines the exact DN to search and one or more attributes whose values must be returned to the Device must also be configured. For more information on configuring these attributes and search filters, see AD-based Routing for Microsoft Skype for Business.
The Device can store recent LDAP queries and responses in its local cache. The cache is used for subsequent queries and/or in case of LDAP server failure. For more information, see Configuring the Device's LDAP Cache.
If connection with the LDAP server disconnects (broken), the Device sends the SNMP alarm, acLDAPLostConnection. Upon successful reconnection, the alarm clears. If connection with the LDAP server is disrupted during the search, all search requests are dropped and an alarm indicating a failed status is sent to client applications.
■ | Management-related LDAP Queries: LDAP can be used for authenticating and authorizing management users (Web and CLI) and is based on the user's login username and password (credentials) when attempting login to one of the Device's management platforms. When configuring the login username (LDAP Bind DN) and password (LDAP Password) to send to the LDAP server, you can use templates based on the dollar ($) sign, which the Device replaces with the actual username and password entered by the user during the login attempt. You can also configure the Device to send the username and password in clear-text format or encrypted using TLS (SSL). |
The device connects to the LDAP server (i.e., an LDAP session is created) only when a login attempt occurs. The LDAP Bind operation establishes the authentication of the user based on the username-password combination. The server typically checks the password against the userPassword attribute in the named entry. A successful Bind operation indicates that the username-password combination is correct; a failed Bind operation indicates that the username-password combination is incorrect.
Once the user is successfully authenticated, the established LDAP session may be used for further LDAP queries to determine the user's management access level and privileges (Operator, Admin, or Security Admin). This is known as the user authorization stage. To determine the access level, the Device searches the LDAP directory for groups of which the user is a member, for example:
CN=\# Support Dept,OU=R&D Groups,OU=Groups,OU=APC,OU=Japan,OU=ABC,DC=corp,DC=abc,DC=com
The device then assigns the user the access level configured for that group (in Configuring Access Level per Management Groups Attributes). The location in the directory where you want to search for the user's member group(s) is configured using the following:
● | Search base object (distinguished name or DN, e.g., "ou=ABC,dc=corp,dc=abc,dc=com"), which defines the location in the directory from where the LDAP search begins and is configured in Configuring LDAP DNs (Base Paths) per LDAP Server. |
● | Search filter, for example, (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=JohnD)), which filters the search in the subtree to include only the specific username. The search filter can be configured with the dollar ($) sign to represent the username, for example, (sAMAccountName=$). To configure the search filter, see Configuring the LDAP Search Filter Attribute. |
● | Management attribute (e.g., memberOf), from where objects that match the search filter criteria are returned. This shows the user's member groups. The attribute is configured in the LDAP Servers table (see Configuring LDAP Servers). |
If the device finds a group, it assigns the user the corresponding access level and permits login; otherwise, login is denied. Once the LDAP response has been received (success or failure), the Device ends the LDAP session.
■ | LDAP-based Management services: This LDAP service works together with the LDAP-based management account (described above), allowing you to use different LDAP service accounts for user authentication and user authorization: |
● | Management-type LDAP server: This LDAP server account is used only for user authentication. For more information about how it works, see Management-related LDAP Queries, above. |
● | Management Service-type LDAP server: This LDAP server account is used only for user authorization (i.e., the user's management access level and privileges). The Device has an always-on connection with the LDAP server and uses a configured (fixed) LDAP username (Bind Name) and password. Only if user authentication succeeds, does the Device query this Management Service-type LDAP server account for user authorization. Thus, management groups and DNs are configured only for this LDAP server account (instead of for the regular LDAP-based management account). |
Therefore, user authorization is done only by a specific LDAP "administrator", which has a fixed username and password. In contrast, user authentication is done by the user itself (i.e., binding to the LDAP account with each user's username and password). Having a dedicated LDAP account for user authorization may provide additional security to the network by preventing users from accessing the authorization settings in the LDAP server.
The Device also supports the following user login authentication methods:
● | RADIUS-based authentication (see RADIUS-based User Login Authentication) |
● | OAuth-based authentication (see OAuth-based User Login Authentication and Authorization) |
For all the previously discussed LDAP services, the following additional LDAP functionality is supported:
■ | Search method for searching DN object records between LDAP servers and within each LDAP server (see Configuring LDAP Search Methods). |
■ | Default access level that is assigned to the user if the queried response doesn't contain an access level. |
■ | Local Users table for authenticating users instead of the LDAP server (for example, when a communication problem occurs with the server). For more information, see Configuring Local Database for Management User Authentication. |